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History of the Observatory

1971年8月,60岁的托马斯·库皮拉里教授在《立博客户端app下载》杂志上看到了一则广告 & Telescope; Dave Garroway, 一位以《立博客户端app下载》的原始主持人而闻名的电视名人正在出售他1967年从伯洛伊特学院购买的望远镜和穹顶. With the approval of then President Harry K. Miller Jr. and the support of Margaretta B. 董事局主席张伯伦写了一封问询信给张伯伦先生. Garroway. A series of letters and telephone calls followed. Numerous individuals and organizations, including the Smithsonian Institution, indicated an interest in acquiring the telescope and dome. 史密森学会(Smithsonian Institution)想买下它,以便将镜头和取景器望远镜与最初的华纳和斯威西底座结合起来. Ultimately, Mr. Garroway, 保证基斯顿学院将把望远镜提供给所有年龄的学生和普通大众, rejected all other offers and sold his ‘baby’ to Keystone College. In the fall of 1971, 圆顶和望远镜被拆除,运到基斯顿学院,并被储存起来.

Installation of the Dome

Gifts to the 1972 Annual Fund, including a grant from the Scranton Area Foundation, 几位鼎力支持的人士帮助穹顶和望远镜的安装成为可能, as well as the construction of the main building. 美国国家科学基金会拨款资助购买了一台分光镜, a Schmidt Camera, and a photometer. 1973年春天,天文台落成,同年7月开始举行公开讲座和观景活动.

Observatory Opened to Public

周日,基斯顿学院的天文台正式落成并向公众开放, May 20, 1973, a rainy, cloudy day. 举行了一个简短的仪式,总统哈里. Miller Jr. and Thomas Cupillari ’60, observatory director. Professor Philip Riggs, 他是库皮拉里教授在德雷克大学读研究生时的老师和导师, presented a short address. 客人中有斯克兰顿地区基金会的代表,该基金会资助了天文台的建立. 这一奉献开创了天文台作为学院和公众设施的地位. 当晚的观察会议推迟到1973年5月22日星期二举行.

Public Programming Began

定期的公共节目于当年7月开始,自那以后一直是天文台任务的核心部分. 当年9月,天文学和物理学课程的学生开始使用该设施, 历史和19世纪文学专业的学生偶尔也会参观天文台. 与此同时,与拉克万纳天文学会(LAS)的合作努力也开始了, 我们之间的关系在36年后依然稳固.

In addition to lectures and observing sessions, which grew rapidly in popularity, students from Keystone and other local schools, 阿联成员开始参与摄影项目, photometry, and astrometry.

Re-Dedication as the Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Astronomy Observatory

On September 22, 2000, Boehm校长和董事会将该设施重新命名为Thomas G. Cupillari ' 60天文台(TGCO),以纪念其创始人和现任主任. 基斯顿学院前校长哈里. Miller, Jr.

Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope Purchased

2002年,天文台购买并安装了一台10英寸的施密特卡塞格伦望远镜,它是便携式的,后来在新大楼完工后永久安装在新大楼里. 由1968年的学生弗兰克·布朗资助,以纪念他的母亲玛丽安·L·布朗. Brown. Once a librarian at the US Naval Observatory, Mrs. 布朗在1973年天文台成立之初就一直是它的支持者. 为了纪念她,这家人用这笔钱买了米德LX 200望远镜, 目前,望远镜上有一块小匾,上面写着它是玛丽安·L. Brown telescope.

Three Phase Project Began

Phase 1

同样在2002年,制定了一个三期项目并提交给Boehm总统. With his help and support a plan was put into motion.

2003年,玛格丽特·布里格斯基金会资助了第一阶段, the building of a 10′ by 40′ addition to the observatory structure, as well as a total renovation of the interior space. 该项目在火星接近地球之前及时完成. 它距离地球不到3500万英里,是有记录以来距离地球最近的一次. In four nights during August, 2008年,人们参观了天文台,通过我们的望远镜观察火星. 2003年参观天文台的人数达5700人,是一个丰收年.

Phase 2

Phase two was erecting a new building with a roll-off roof, capable of housing two telescopes, began in late 2005, and was completed in early 2006.

Phase 3

购买并安装里奇-克雷蒂安式望远镜,镜面直径为20英寸, began the third phase of the project. 这种望远镜是卡塞格伦望远镜的变种, and in August, 2007 an order was placed with RC Optical Systems, Flagstaff, Arizona. 历时一年多制造的望远镜于今年9月交付使用, 2008 and was installed by October, 2008.


2009年5月9日,望远镜投入使用,标志着第三阶段的完成. The purchase of this telescope, an RC 20, 只有在当时社区的个人和组织的合作和支持下才能成为可能,例如:斯克兰顿地区基金会, the Robert Moffat Foundation, the Schautz Foundation, and the Dave Garroway Fund of the Boston Foundation.

In 2011 the observatory added another fully computerized telescope, an eleven inch Cassegrain type built by Celestron.

Research Initiatives

2012年10月,天文台开展了两项研究活动. 其中之一是与亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫的洛厄尔天文台合作. 这项工作的重点是精确测量微小物体的位置, dark, icy objects, beyond the orbit of Neptune.

第二项倡议是让TGCO成为遍布全国的大型全天候摄像机网络的一部分. This network is coordinated through New Mexico State University, (NMSU), with the support of Sandia National Laboratory. 全天摄像机以360度的视角监视夜空,并记录流星和火球. The images are analyzed with an on-site computer; the images and data are then sent to NMSU where they are further analyzed, archived and made available to all members of the network.

To date the Thomas G. 1960年的丘皮拉里天文台接待了近9万名游客.